Shakori Clan Symbols


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Shakori Clan Symbols

After being unable to verify the Bear as our clan symbol, I kept my eyes peeled as I periodically re-scoured the sources I have been compiling. While rereading The “Discoveries” of John Lederer a previously sleeping line jumped out at me. The Occaneechi clan symbol is “that of a Serpent, wrath” as the Occaneechi were known to be cautious and vengeful protectors of the great trading path which bears their name, the Occaneechi path. The Shoccoree are similarly known by the Tuscarora and other neighboring indigenous nations for being “above belief swift in retirement and flight”. Before mentioning the wrathful serpentine Occaneechi, Lederer mentions an unnamed nation which by “a Stag, they imply swiftness”(Lederer, 4). The Shoccoree are the only nation in the area of the Tuscarora who have been characterized as “swift”, and such a characterization is consistent with other descriptions of the Shoccoree. The ample evidence has been laid out in the PDF attached to this post.

Though there is less solid evidence to indicate the clan symbol of the Eno, it appears likely that their symbol is the Lion. Lederer relates the existence of an unnamed “Lion” nation known for their courage. The only other nation known to fit such a description would be “the Haynokes, who valiantly resist the Spaniards further northern attempts”. Facing perpetual harassment, exploitation, and sexual violence by the advancing Spaniards, some Eno broke away from the main body.

The highly stratified nature of Mississippian societies appears to have been unable to provide the mutual assistance required to meet the emergency of the moment.There is evidence to suggest the Eno-Shoccoree were members of the Wateree chiefdom at the time of Pardo’s entrada. At some point after the entrada of Juan Pardo, a fight erupts between the leader of the namesake of the Powhatan Tribe, the leading district of the future Powhatan Nation. Chief Powhatan “had long time harboured a grudge against the King of Chawan, about a yong woman that the King of Chawan had detayned of the King of Pawhatan”. Chief Powhatan was accompanying his brother Appachancano who “came thither to make a War upon the Tuskarood in revenge of three of his men killed, and one wounded, who escaped, and brought him word of the other three murthered by the Hocomawananck Indians for lucre of the Roanoake they brought with them to trade for Otter skins”.

The Eno bear witness to this regional quarrel, and some take note of the mutual aid displayed by Wahunsenacawh and Opchanacanough. Unlike Siouan society, which had failed to provide security during and through the Spanish invasion, “Wars in Algonquin society were most often started as punitive measures, Algonquin tribes, and Powhatans especially, went to war for poetic justice. If a member of another tribe was to harm or torture a member of the Powhatans then a war to punish would likely follow” (Steadman, 7).

The Eno or “Haynokes” who “valiantly resist the Spaniards further northern attempts” can later be found amongst the Powhatans as the “Weyanoke”.